Frequently Asked Questions
Why don't I have to pay when I shop at your member store?
Your school or non-profit has paid a membership fee to join 3R's. This fee allows full time staff to shop for free during the school year and not pay out-of-pocket for materials they need. The membership fee covers about ½ of the cost of supporting 3R's; the rest must be raised each year. Our major costs are shipping, truck rentals, and heat.
Why are we not allowed to bring shopping companions into the member store?
3R's is unique in that schools and non-profits pay to allow their staff to shop for free. Like any other membership-based site (i.e. BJ's, health club, etc.) it is for members to take items they must only use in their programs. As such, non-members have no need to accompany them. 3R's staff and volunteers are happy to provide tours to interested parties by appointment, and to assist shoppers who require additional help.
Why are ed-techs restricted to take only items that have no posted limits?
Ed-techs provide a valuable service to schools and students. They also work with other staff who may be shopping for the same classroom. In fairness to single-teacher classrooms, only the lead teacher may take items with limits.
What do you do with the clipboard sheets we always fill out?
3R's uses the "tally sheets" for data collection. At each visit please provide your clearly written FULL PRINTED name, date, school or program, and grade, using the same spelling each time. You may not be the only one with your name in our system. Please also sign and date the form BEFORE you check out to save wait time for others. When recording items on the sheet, only use actual numbers, never tally marks, words, or check marks.
Can I shop for my colleagues?
No, each eligible staff shopper must shop just for their own classroom or program group. The inventory changes often and shoppers need to see it firsthand. Additionally, if it appears to your school that not many take advantage of the free materials, they may cancel the membership.
How often can I shop?
You may shop ONCE during the month of August, and then as needed from Sept. – June. Items with limits may only be taken once a week (or month, if labeled as such).
Why can't you hold stuff for me if I cannot take it with me to day I shop?
Our space is limited and sometimes items are not picked up. In fairness to others, it is first-come, first served.
Can I take items for personal use?
No. We are trusted by our donors to see that the materials they give us will be used for program and classroom use only. It could jeopardize our access to some materials. NEVER sell anything from 3R's, even to students (i.e. in a student store).
Do you need to know if I have changed schools/grades?
PLEASE keep us updated on any changes in your email address, work site, name, grade or title.
I'm pretty busy, but how can I help 3R's?
You can help in a variety of ways, including:
1. Spreading the word about 3R's to your colleagues, friends, and business associates
2. Writing thank you letters telling "how the materials helped students learn"
3. Volunteering 2 hours a month
4. Monetary Donations and/or Gift in Kind donations
5. Participating in 3R's events and fund raisers and encouraging others to do so too
6. Donating supplies that are useful to other teachers (i.e. when you retire)
7. Share your talents or hobbies with us—we may be able to work together.
8. Reference 3R's in your grants, newsletters, websites, and other PR. Let folks know where you get your great stuff and how much it helps you teach and students learn.
9. AND, keep on shopping!
Recraft Center Hours:
Tue. 3:00-5:30
Wed. & Thu. 1:00-5:30
Sat. 9:00-2:00
Teacher Store Hours:
Tue. 3:00-5:30
Wed. & Thu. 1:00-5:30
Sat. 9:00-2:00
Warehouse Hours:
Tuesdays: 9:30-2:00
Weds and Thurs: 9:30 -12:30
Fridays 9:30-2:00
Next Donation Date:
Friday, October 4th from 9:30-2:30
Weather related closings will be posted on:
Facebook; WCSH channel 6; WGME channel 13
Our outgoing phone message